Tuesday 24 April 2012

Hoppinth (Bizarro Slytherin)

Think that Slytherin is the opposite of Gryffindor, or that Ravenclaw is the opposite of Hufflepuff? Well it’s not quite as simple as you think. Meet the Bizarro Hogwarts Houses.
In the comic universe, Bizarro world is known for being the opposite of what we know, and the same applies here. Four houses, each the complete opposite of one of the Hogwarts houses we love.
So which one would would you fit best in, and which one is the opposite of which? Analysis for them is coming soon, so keep an eye out. In the mean time, see if you can figure out by the house crests.

What’s a bizarro house? Click here for an introduction.
(For normal house evaluation, click here.)

G e n e r a l - P e r s o n a l i t y
Hoppinths are impulsive, representing their animal the rabbit by jumping into most things in their life. They are generally optimistic folks, pleasant in their stature and trying to make everyone feel welcome. They are very sensitive, taking most things that are said to them to heart. They can have short attention spans at times, bouncing about from one thing to another.
P o s i t i v e - & - N e g a t i v e - T r a i t s
Hoppinths are extremely friendly and carefree, jumping into any situation or involvement that they feel could have some good aspect. They are not ones to overthink, and this can make them seem incredibly spontaneous and fun to others, causing them to have a wide circle of friends and/or admirers. They do not hold grudges too often, and seem to move through life with ease.
However, Hoppinths are not keen on responsibility, and tend to become a bit lazy when it comes to the idea of work or something that they must do that they think of as boring. This can make them come off as underachievers to some, and may be seen as off-putting to those who strive off of obligation or ambition.
C o m m o n - S t a r - S i g n s
An incredibly common sign for a Hoppinth is Libra, as these are people who are social and a bit indulgent, enjoying the finer things in life. Other common signs for Hoppinths are Leo and Sagittarius, though of course any sign is possible.
H o b b i e s
Hoppinths tend to have many hobbies at once, because they like to bounce in between different things to keep their interest peaked. They enjoy things which involve others, and may join many clubs or athletic teams, to keep a small taste of everything.
F r i e n d s h i p s
Hoppinths are social creatures, and quick to try and make friendships with others. They like to find the good in everyone, and get others to search for a bit of adventure with them. They can be a bit spacey at times, which can cause them not be the most reliable of friends, but their heart is in their effort to show you support.
I n t i m a t e - R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Hoppinths are playful in the area of romance, and enjoy having a partner with which they can always feel a strong, pleasant energy. The happiness a person brings them is all they need to validate their feelings, and this can cause them to jump into relationships. It can also cause them to have conflicting feelings and interests, which cause them to be in and out of the dating world.
T y p o l o g y
The average typology for a Hoppinth is ESFP (Extraverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceptive), because they are social beings that prefer to mix play with responsibility.
A b n o r m a l - P s y c h o l o g y
Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional.
Hoppinths are not the most driven of folks, so when they feel they have reached a roadblock on their life, they can become overridden with self-hatred, feeling themselves useless. They are very sensitive and influenced by what others say to them, so if you were to say something hurtful to them, it may stay with them. Pain is one of the very few things in a Hoppinth’s life that they cannot jump right away from comfortably.
R e l i g i o u s - V i e w s
Hoppinths are not incredibly spiritual, nor are they very set into reality when it comes to religious prospects. They would rather not concern themselves with such things, because they are more focused on living how they want, rather than the consequences or results that may come thereafter. 
P o l i t i c a l - V i e w s
Hoppinths see little need for politics, or rather, they don’t see any need for their involvement in them. They are not hard to please for the most part, so they do not feel the need to interject with their own views, so long as things are fairly decent on their half of the spectrum.
C a r e e r s
Hoppinths do not want to have a career that is too heavy a burden. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so they want to have an even amount of both. They will often try to look for careers that involve an area of their interest, and find something that will entertain them, that also counts as work. They can sometimes jump in between jobs, because they can get bored easily, and tend to be impulsive rather than weight the options.
I d e a l - E n v i r o n m e n t
Hoppinths like a place where there is a sense of ease and lightness, to coincide with their carefree attitude. They like to be social and pleasant, and have an almost nostalgic, childish air to their environment.
S e l f - P e r c e p t i o n
Hoppinths see themselves as idealists at their highest point, and see themselves as useless at their lowest. This can fluctuate at the slightest remark, as they tend to be quite sensitive.
L i f e - M i s s i o n
The mission of a Hoppinth is to indulge in the luxuries of life, feeling free of obligation and having no need to take charge.
Loupglace (The Bizarro Gryffindor) | Chattysquawk (The Bizarro Hufflepuff) | Slumbertalon (The Bizarro Ravenclaw) | Hoppinth (The Bizarro Slytherin)

G e n e r a l - P e r s o n a l i t y
Hoppinths are impulsive, representing their animal the rabbit by jumping into most things in their life. They are generally optimistic folks, pleasant in their stature and trying to make everyone feel welcome. They are very sensitive, taking most things that are said to them to heart. They can have short attention spans at times, bouncing about from one thing to another.

P o s i t i v e - & - N e g a t i v e - T r a i t s
Hoppinths are extremely friendly and carefree, jumping into any situation or involvement that they feel could have some good aspect. They are not ones to overthink, and this can make them seem incredibly spontaneous and fun to others, causing them to have a wide circle of friends and/or admirers. They do not hold grudges too often, and seem to move through life with ease.
However, Hoppinths are not keen on responsibility, and tend to become a bit lazy when it comes to the idea of work or something that they must do that they think of as boring. This can make them come off as underachievers to some, and may be seen as off-putting to those who strive off of obligation or ambition.

C o m m o n - S t a r - S i g n s
An incredibly common sign for a Hoppinth is Libra, as these are people who are social and a bit indulgent, enjoying the finer things in life. Other common signs for Hoppinths are Leo and Sagittarius, though of course any sign is possible.

H o b b i e s
Hoppinths tend to have many hobbies at once, because they like to bounce in between different things to keep their interest peaked. They enjoy things which involve others, and may join many clubs or athletic teams, to keep a small taste of everything.

F r i e n d s h i p s
Hoppinths are social creatures, and quick to try and make friendships with others. They like to find the good in everyone, and get others to search for a bit of adventure with them. They can be a bit spacey at times, which can cause them not be the most reliable of friends, but their heart is in their effort to show you support.

I n t i m a t e - R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Hoppinths are playful in the area of romance, and enjoy having a partner with which they can always feel a strong, pleasant energy. The happiness a person brings them is all they need to validate their feelings, and this can cause them to jump into relationships. It can also cause them to have conflicting feelings and interests, which cause them to be in and out of the dating world.

T y p o l o g y
The average typology for a Hoppinth is ESFP (Extraverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceptive), because they are social beings that prefer to mix play with responsibility.

A b n o r m a l - P s y c h o l o g y
Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional.
Hoppinths are not the most driven of folks, so when they feel they have reached a roadblock on their life, they can become overridden with self-hatred, feeling themselves useless. They are very sensitive and influenced by what others say to them, so if you were to say something hurtful to them, it may stay with them. Pain is one of the very few things in a Hoppinth’s life that they cannot jump right away from comfortably.

R e l i g i o u s - V i e w s
Hoppinths are not incredibly spiritual, nor are they very set into reality when it comes to religious prospects. They would rather not concern themselves with such things, because they are more focused on living how they want, rather than the consequences or results that may come thereafter. 

P o l i t i c a l - V i e w s
Hoppinths see little need for politics, or rather, they don’t see any need for their involvement in them. They are not hard to please for the most part, so they do not feel the need to interject with their own views, so long as things are fairly decent on their half of the spectrum.

C a r e e r s
Hoppinths do not want to have a career that is too heavy a burden. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so they want to have an even amount of both. They will often try to look for careers that involve an area of their interest, and find something that will entertain them, that also counts as work. They can sometimes jump in between jobs, because they can get bored easily, and tend to be impulsive rather than weight the options.

I d e a l - E n v i r o n m e n t
Hoppinths like a place where there is a sense of ease and lightness, to coincide with their carefree attitude. They like to be social and pleasant, and have an almost nostalgic, childish air to their environment.

S e l f - P e r c e p t i o n
Hoppinths see themselves as idealists at their highest point, and see themselves as useless at their lowest. This can fluctuate at the slightest remark, as they tend to be quite sensitive.

L i f e - M i s s i o n
The mission of a Hoppinth is to indulge in the luxuries of life, feeling free of obligation and having no need to take charge.
Loupglace (The Bizarro Gryffindor) | Chattysquawk (The Bizarro Hufflepuff) | Slumbertalon (The Bizarro Ravenclaw) | Hoppinth (The Bizarro Slytherin)
{Source: http://ianisourqueen.tumblr.com/post/19687428322/whats-a-bizarro-house-click-here-for-an }


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